mbr gpt,gpt和mbr是硬盘的什么参数?

网络王子 阅读:76 2024-02-09 02:58:51 评论:0

mbr gpt目录



MBR (Master Boot Record) and GPT (GUID Partition Table) are two different partitioning schemes used on computer hard drives.\n\nMBR is the older and more widely supported partitioning scheme. It was introduced with IBM PC DOS 2.0 in 1983 and is commonly used on Windows systems. MBR divides the hard drive into four primary partitions or three primary partitions and one extended partition that can be further divided into logical partitions. MBR has a limitation of supporting a maximum of 2.2TB (terabytes) of storage.\n\nOn the other hand, GPT is a newer partitioning scheme that was introduced as part of the UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) specification. GPT can support up to 128 partitions on a single drive and allows for larger storage capacity, up to 9.4ZB (zettabytes). GPT also provides more robust data protection features, such as redundant partition tables and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) checksums.\n\nIn summary, MBR is an older partitioning scheme with limited storage capacity, while GPT is a newer and more advanced partitioning scheme that supports larger drives and offers better data protection features."




GPT分区表系统,也称GUID分区表系统,支持管理2.2TB以上硬盘容量,但需要UEFI BIOS支持才行。

从Intel 6系列主板,开始提供UEFI BIOS支持,正式支持GPT硬盘分区表,并仍继续支持MBR分区表格式。



MBR 就是 MBR 分区表,也是传统上常用的方式,常称为 MBR 磁盘,一个磁盘最大支持 2.1TB 容量。

GPTGUID分区表,常称为 GPT 磁盘,支持高达 18EB(18000000TB)的容量。

但 XP 不能识别 GPT 磁盘。


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